Overview of existing and upcoming EU regulations

Last updated 17-01-2024

Note: The overview focuses on legislation under the EU's Green Deal, which the Danish Chamber of Commerce considers most relevant. It is not a complete list. Our indications of the legislation's adoption time are based on the best available knowledge and are not guaranteed.

EU Green Deal overview ENG



Get the overview here:

Each section consists of a brief description of the directive proposal, regulation, or revision content, as well as an overview of the companies that should pay special attention to it. This quickly gives you an overview of the potential implications the regulation may have for your business. Additionally, each section includes a "Read more" link that leads to an official EU institution's page with the relevant regulation, directive, or revision.

Directive or regulation?

Directive Regulation
An EU legal act that sets objectives but leaves it to the member states to incorporate them into national legislation within a specific timeframe. An EU legal act that is legally binding in its entirety and directly applicable without the need for adoption through national law in the member states.



Marie Josephine Mustelin

Politisk konsulent

Emre Daniel Akdogan
