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Med venlig hilsen
We invite everyone to join
We need the strength of the Danish collaborative culture if we are to reverse the development. Therefore, we invite all companies and organizations, large and small, across Denmark to join and show support for the Diversity Pact.
Join us and show your support
As a signature of the Diversity Pact, your company shows support for the 15 recommendations for better framework conditions for diversity. At the same time, you can contribute with new proposals, ideas and experiences, so that together we achieve better conditions for creating diversity and inclusion in the Danish labor market. When your company joins in the Diversity Pact, you also commit to working for change locally in the company or organization through the 5 transformation principles.
We must dare to have an open dialogue about what is difficult
We must dare to have an open dialogue about what is difficult. It will not be equally easy for everyone to reach the 40 percent target. That is why it is important that we are open about the challenges. We must dare to talk about the social structures in Denmark that create gender differences, stereotypes, bias and habitual thinking. If we cannot talk about the challenges, we will never create real change.
More action and more open debate needed
The Diversity Pact has two pillars. It calls for both action in companies and for an open political debate of the framework conditions that impact the work with diversity and inclusion in Danish companies and organizations. Because companies and organizations cannot do it alone. Diversity and inclusion in the labor market is about the culture at the workplaces; but it is also about the culture around the workplaces.
Danish Chamber of Commerce and Above & Beyond Group
Reduce waiting times for processing foreign labour applications - to a maximum average duration of one month, including the processing of entry and residence of related family members.
Overall, there is an imbalance in the representation of women and men in the private sector, where women make up 37 percent of the employees.
If we move up through the management levels in Danish companies, this imbalance intensifies. At middle management level, the representation of women is 23 percent. In the Danish executive committees, women make up 16 per cent, and in the Danish boards, women hold 19 percent of the seats.
If we look at the industry level, the gender distribution among women and men also varies greatly from industry to industry. The companies thus have very different prerequisites for creating equal representation at all levels in the organization. The figures show a need for action and change of course.