| {{tag}}
Fejlkode: {{resetErrorCode}}
Her kan der kun vælges en:
Her kan der vælges flere:
Bemærk: ved valg af flere bliver søgningen smallere!
{{item.prices[0].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[0].label}}) / {{item.prices[1].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[1].label}})
{{item.prices[0].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[0].label}}) / {{item.prices[1].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[1].label}})
Her kan du som firmaadministrator ændre de 5 primære kontaktpersoner i jeres firma.
Følgende er nu registreret og vil danne grundlag for kontingentopkrævningen.
Samlet lønsum: {{formattedPayrollFunction}}
Antal ansatte: {{payrollRegistration.numberOfEmployees}}
Antal ansatte d. 30/9: {{payrollRegistration.numberOfEmployees309}}
Vi har sendt dig en kvittering pr. mail.
Har du rettelser, bedes du besvare den mail, vi har sendt dig eller kontakte os per telefon på {{MemberDepartmentPhonenumber}}.
Med venlig hilsen
We are again this year celebrating the best Danish startups within gastro- and foodtech. Basque Culinary Center's yearly competition ‘On The Road’ is finding local winners from New York, Buenos Aires, Tokyo, Tel Aviv and Copenhagen. The competition will bring one finalist from each city to the finale in San Sebatian at Basque Culinary Center.
The event takes place at Danish Chamber of Commerce (Dansk Erhverv) in the Old Stock Exchange with interesting talks from the food tech ecosystem partners.
We recommend you to attend the event, if you:
If you wish to pitch in the competition, you can apply here.
If you don’t want to apply for pitching at the event, you can sign up and attend by pressing the "Tilmeld"-button above.
Or you can use this english registration form to sign up to attend the event.
Åbningstider på telefonen er hverdage mellem kl. 8 - 16.