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Join us for an engaging seminar focused on the critical infrastructure and the pressing need for Sub-Sea technology. This event, held in collaboration with CenSec, aims to address the evolving challenges surrounding the monitoring and protection of underwater infrastructure in the maritime domain.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore a range of topics, including current threats to critical infrastructure, technological advancements necessary for effective surveillance and defense, and the shared responsibilities of industry stakeholders and governmental authorities in ensuring the security of these vital assets.

Highlighted discussions will center on recent incidents such as Nord Stream I and II, as well as the Finland-Estonia cable, shedding light on the growing importance of safeguarding underwater infrastructure in an era where the protection of critical infrastructure and supply chains is paramount.

Furthermore, the seminar will delve into the complexities of defining what constitutes critical infrastructure and conducting risk assessments, while also examining the practical implications for energy companies in the face of government initiatives such as tenders for energy islands.

This event is tailored for a diverse audience, including businesses and industry organizations with interests in critical infrastructure, defense entities such as the Ministry of Defense and the Navy, as well as relevant ministries and agencies.

Through insightful discussions and collaborative engagement, participants will gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities inherent in protecting critical infrastructure,  while also exploring avenues for technological innovation and industry collaboration in the defense sector.


Thomas Nissen

Fagchef for forsvarspolitik

Dansk Erhverv

Danish Defence Intelligence Service

Jens Krogsgård Møller


Royal Danish Defence College

Carsten Sølund


RoC Consult

Jesper Liniger


Aalborg University

Anders Lønne

Com (s.g.)


Ole Søe-Pedersen


Teledyne RESON

Klaus Bolving

Vice President


Lars Gert Lose



Claes Jeppesson


Tobias Liebtrau

Københavns Universitet

Felix Ebbestad

SAAB Danmark

Ingofur Thor Gudmundsson



Kursus og Event

3374 6072kursus@danskerhverv.dk

Åbningstider på telefonen er hverdage mellem kl. 8 - 16.