The Danish Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Danish Embassy in France, invites you to a webinar focusing on how your company can gain access to the French defense market.

France is one of Europe's largest players in the defense industry. With its substantial defense budget spanning a wide range of sectors - from advanced technology to security equipment and infrastructure - as well as its strategic focus on innovation and international collaboration, there are significant opportunities for Danish suppliers and partners.

France demands both high-tech solutions and niche expertise, making it an ideal market for Danish companies offering innovative products and specialized services.

This webinar will provide you and your company with insights into current market opportunities, requirements, and challenges, ensuring that your business is as well-prepared as possible.


  • Tilmeldingsfrist d. 18. december 2024
  • Afmeldingsfrist d. 18. december 2024


Nicolas T. Veicherts


Danmarks Forsvarsattache i Frankrig

Thomas Barreau

Defence Advisor

Defence Advisor

Thomas Nissen

Fagchef for forsvarspolitik

Dansk Erhverv


Kursus og Event


Åbningstider på telefonen er hverdage mellem kl. 8 - 16.