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We experience a great demand for a course in the Hotel Agreement and the agreement-specific issues in English. Therefore, we invite you to a full-day course in the Hotel Agreement.

The course is primarily targeted at those who want a general introduction to the collective agreement's rules, but also those who want to be updated on the latest news within the collective agreement's area.

The course will cover the basic elements:

  • Employee and vocational groups, etc.
  • Boundaries of the vocational groups and flexibility
  • Employment contracts
  • Minimum wage and the personal wage, wage supplements
  • Working hours and duty roster
  • Local agreements
  • Sickness
  • Termination of the employment

In the review of the hotel agreement, the latest decisions from professional arbitrations and the Labor Court and any changes from the negotiations of the agreement in the fall of 2023 will be included.


  • Tilmeldingsfrist d. 19. september 2024
  • Afmeldingsfrist d. 19. september 2024


Johanne Hansted


Dansk Erhverv

Emilia Maria Helleberg


Dansk Erhverv



Kursus og Event

3374 6072kursus@danskerhverv.dk

Åbningstider på telefonen er hverdage mellem kl. 8 - 16.