We experience a great demand for a webinar about the Agreement in English. Therefore, we invite you to a webinar in the Hotel and Restaurant Agreement.

The webinar is primarily targeted at those who want a general introduction to the collective agreement's rules, but also those who want to be updated on the latest news within the collective agreement's area.

The course will cover the basic elements:

  • Salary


If you are a member of Dansk Erhverv Arbejdsgiver, the course is free, while with other Dansk Erhverv memberships you will be charged DKK 990 after the course has been held.

The course modules are designed to allow you to choose the ones that best align with your interests and learning objectives. There is no requirement to complete all modules.


Johanne Hansted


Dansk Erhverv


Kursus og Event

3374 6072kursus@danskerhverv.dk

Åbningstider på telefonen er hverdage mellem kl. 8 - 16.