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{{item.prices[0].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[0].label}}) / {{item.prices[1].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[1].label}})
{{item.prices[0].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[0].label}}) / {{item.prices[1].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[1].label}})
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Med venlig hilsen
Danish Chamber of Commerce are happy to open the doors together with German-Danish Chamber of Commerce in order to gain insight into economic challenges and consequences as a result of the German election 23 February 2025.
Germany is one of the most important and largest export markets in Europe for Danish companies, and therefore we are happy to invite Danish and German companies to this event focusing on the future of Danish-German relations.
The speakers will provide insights into the economic outlook for Denmark and Germany, Germany’s upcoming federal election, and Denmark’s preparations for the EU presidency and cross-border synergies.
Adm. direktør
Dansk Erhverv
Dansk Erhverv
Associate Fellow
German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Siemens Mobility
German-Danish Chamber of Commerce
Siemens A/S
Fagchef for Global Markedsudvikling
Dansk Erhverv
Senior Economist
Falck Western Europe and Commercial
german embassy denmark
Åbningstider på telefonen er hverdage mellem kl. 8 - 16.