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{{item.prices[0].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[0].label}}) / {{item.prices[1].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[1].label}})
{{item.prices[0].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[0].label}}) / {{item.prices[1].value}} kr. ({{item.prices[1].label}})
Her kan du som firmaadministrator ændre de 5 primære kontaktpersoner i jeres firma.
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Samlet lønsum: {{formattedPayrollFunction}}
Antal ansatte: {{payrollRegistration.numberOfEmployees}}
Antal ansatte d. 30/9: {{payrollRegistration.numberOfEmployees309}}
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Med venlig hilsen
Whether you are a new or experienced leader from outside Denmark or a specialist stepping into a leadership role, this is the training that will help you succeed in your leadership role.
We will give you the insights, the tools and the practical training in how to manage and lead your team.
This development program will give you a solid leadership foundation, whether you are new in your role or whether you have experience but not much previous leadership training.
The program will increase your abilities to handle the challenges you meet, both short and long term. We will be developing you and you as a leader, how you lead your team and your ability to create results through your team.
Organizations need leaders with the skills to lead people, manage change, find new opportunities and execute strategy - and at the same time keep up the motivation and thrive in the team.
After the course you will have worked with the following subjects:
We will work with in a variety of teaching techniques; classroom teaching, group training and exercises. There will be a well balanced mix of theory, practical training and discussions based on participants everyday experiences.
JTI (Jung’s Type Indicator) will be part of the toolbox.
You might be a newly appointed leader with one or two years of experience, who need to develop your own leadership style and get practical, useful leadership tools. You can also work as a specialist without being a leader and now need to get an insight into what good leadership is.
Åbningstider på telefonen er hverdage mellem kl. 8 - 16.