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Med venlig hilsen
The report explores why Denmark is great at producing unicorns, but terrible at making them stay, through interviews with 10 founders who have ranked the most crucial framework conditions to foster more unicorns and to make them stay.
“Denmark has founded a high number of unicorns per capita, but despite Denmark’s ability to create these unicorns, nine out of 13 unicorns have moved their headquarters out of Denmark. This is nearly 70 percent. This means that Denmark is missing out on job-creation, tax revenue, and innovation. Denmark needs to change the framework conditions, so more startups and unicorns find it attractive to stay in Denmark,” says Jasmina Pless, Head of Entrepreneurship at the Danish Chamber of Commerce.
The report builds on interviews with 10 outstanding founders of unicorns and promising tech startups: Peter Holten Muhlmann, Trustpilot, Niels Martin Brøchner, Contractbook, Jeppe Rindom, Pleo, Suzanne Lauritzen, raffle.ai, Jakob Neua Nørgaard, Penneo, Lars Fløe Nielsen, Sitecore, Anders Riis, Swiipe, Mikkel Hippe Brun, Tradeshift, Mads Fosselius, Dixa, Stine Mølgaard Sørensen, Radiobotics.
Key figures from the 2023 report: