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Med venlig hilsen
14. september 2022
Danish Chamber of Commerce is publishing a new analysis about tech startups in Denmark. The analysis: ‘Denmark: A Unicorn Factory – but why do they leave?’.
The analysis is looking closely into why Denmark is great at producing unicorns, but terrible at making them stay and identifying key barriers of growth for Danish startup companies.
“We can see that Danish born unicorns relocate out of Denmark once they have taken their baby steps. Having a fruitful business life in Denmark is to grow, but just as much retain new, innovative and prosperous companies. If most of them leave, then we need to change our business climate. We can’t afford not to,” says Jasmina Pless, Head of Entrepreneurship the Danish Chamber of Commerce.
The analysis includes among others following insights:
“Denmark is a great place to start a successful business. The country is blessed with free education; hence a well-educated population that culturally have been encouraged to think creatively and critically also when it comes to building companies. However, in the long run the successful companies seek elsewhere. At the Danish Chamber of Commerce, we are working intently on changing this trend,” says Jasmina Pless.
Download the full analysis here: